Career Experiences

Start your career journey with Career Ready Monroe! Our career experiences are offered at no cost to students and provide invaluable opportunities to gain practical knowledge and skills across a range of fields. These experiences prepare students for the realities of the workplace, while building confidence and competence. From mock interviews to internships, we’re here to help you thrive in the professional world.

Service Learning (Unpaid)

A teaching and learning opportunity that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Through these experiences, students gain skills and knowledge to prepare for future work relationships and experiences.

Informational Interview

Students would have the opportunity to communicate with and interview someone in a job or industry of interest to them. Students would gain an understanding of some of the real life experiences that individual has on a day to day basis in that particular job.  A student can use the following link from CareerOnestop to help prepare and guide them through an informational interview. CareerOnestop Informational Interview.

Teacher in the Workplace

Teacher in the Workplace experiences connect the workforce to the classroom by directly engaging teachers, counselors, and administrators with business and industry leaders like you. Through these experiences, school staff become informed of industry trends, training needs, opportunities for collaboration, and the career paths available within your company. Educators take the knowledge back to the classroom to enhance instruction, student learning, and career readiness.

Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer opportunities provide support to programs and services that directly serve the community and others for free. Through volunteerism, students develop their leadership skills, learn to work with others, increase their engagement in the community, explore various work activities, and build a strong work ethic. These experiences help young people gain essential professional skills early in life, which translates to future success in the workplace. Depending on the nature of the project or task, volunteer opportunities can take place in-person or remotely.

Summer Employment

Offering summer employment to young people can benefit your business in multiple ways. Hiring students in the summer is a great way to get projects checked off the to-do list (or to-do someday list!) without taking valuable time away from other employees. Additionally, short-term employment is an excellent way for young people to learn more about your business and the career opportunities available. Summer employment can be part or full-time, and participants should be treated as any other employee in a similar position.


Pre-apprenticeship programs are designed as stepping stones to Registered Apprenticeship programs. Pre-apprenticeships are formulated in coordination with the school or training provider so that while participating, the students are learning your industry-based objectives as they build the literacy, math, English, and work readiness skills needed for future success. Pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship can be applicable to and developed for any industry. See PA Careerlink for more information on developing and registering a pre-apprenticeship program:

Mock Interview

In a mock interview, a business professional meets one-on-one with a student and conducts a simulated job interview. Conducted in person or virtually, a mock interview gives the student the opportunity to practice professional dress and etiquette, as well as allows them to answer questions about themselves, their interests, and their personal qualities and to learn how to market themselves as prospective job candidates. It helps them learn what is expected in a job interview and improves the student’s self-presentation. Approximately 15 minutes should be devoted to a mock interview, with the remaining time being spent providing constructive feedback and allowing the student to ask the professional questions about their career.


Mentoring occurs when a student is matched one-to-one with a professional from your organization in order to explore a career, career interests, and related workplace and career development questions. The mentor serves as a resource for the student by sharing insights and providing encouragement and guidance about the workplace, work ethics, careers, and educational requirements. A goal of mentoring is to improve the well-being of students through support given in academic, social, and personal means so it’s important to select employees who are excited about the idea of being a mentor and sharing first-hand knowledge about his or her career and life experience.

Job Shadow

This experience involves students “shadowing” one or more of your component employees in person or virtually. A job shadow gives young people valuable exposure to careers and companies of interest. Plan to show students a typical day on the job and offer time to meet other employees. Throughout the experience, engage them in conversation to learn more about their interests and discuss relevant career-related information. Students are often encouraged to ask questions they have to help them determine if the career and industry is something they want to pursue. Minimum three hours per experience; minimum of three separate experiences.