Dental Hygienists

Dental Hygienist is a career that enables you to interact with and help many different people each day. The profession typically requires an associates degree and licensing. Job availability will remain high as people will always need to maintain their dental health.
dent hygen

Dental Hygienist is a career that enables you to interact with and help many different people each day. The profession typically requires an associates degree and licensing. Job availability will remain high as people will always need to maintain their dental health.

Dental hygienists provide dental care that promotes good oral health and helps prevent or repair problems with patients’ teeth. A typical day involves examining patients’ teeth and gums for cavities and disease, cleaning and polishing teeth, and teaching patients proper brushing and flossing techniques. Hygienists wear gloves, safety glasses, and surgical masks, and follow strict safety procedures at all times. Most take x-rays of patients’ teeth. To be successful in this profession, you must be detail-oriented and have the ability to work well with your hands. You can expect daily interaction with many different people from all walks of life. While almost all dental hygienists work in dentists’ offices, about half work part-time. Since dentists often hire hygienists for a few days per week, some hygienists work for more than one dentist to reach full-time hours in the field. An associate’s degree in dental hygiene is required for this profession and usually takes three years to complete. All states also require dental hygienists to be licensed. In this career, you’ve got your patient’s back… or rather, their teeth!

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